The Smart Monkey
Chapter 11
Let us speak
1. Have you seen people throwing packets or bottles in the
park or on the road? Talk about it
2. After having biscuits, what do you do with the wrapper?
3. Imagine you are sitting under a tree. What do you see on
the tree?
4. Is there a dustbin in your school?
Do you know where it is?
Let us write
A. Read the following sentences. Put a ü for correct
sentences and a for incorrect sentences.
1. Anju and Farida went to their school.
2. Anju bought a bag and Farida bought a
water bottle.
3. There was a bird on the branch of the tree.
4. The monkey had a banana.
5. The monkey threw the banana peel in
the dustbin.
B. Complete the following sentences.
1. Farida and Anju sat on ________________________
under the tree to rest.
2. There was a monkey sitting _______________________
of the tree.
3. The two girls had a ________________________ and a .
bottle of juice.
4. The monkey threw the ________________________ into