Kanashimlu/Kanshira/Dholaptab, English Name: Day flower, Scientific Name: Commelina benghalensis Linn.

Nature: The wild vegetables that can be used as a perennial vegetable are a forest plant. It grows well in places where there is a jackal from the shade of the house, canals, ponds, etc. This konashimlu is available in Assam and all over India.

Properties: Kanashimlu is a panacea for eye disease. The boiled sticky water released when its branches or leaves are torn is used as a medicine. Applying the boiling water of Kanashimalu when it comes to the eye, reduces the pain of Asinai and cures the disease completely. Combining black basil leaves with the boiling water of Kanashimalu and squeezing a bottle cleanly into the eye cures the disease of eye nets or cataracts. Women’s menstrual diseases are cured by cooking the tender branches and leaves of kana shimlu with gorai or cheng fish. Eating the tender stems and leaves of Kanashimalu mixed with the water and rice-washed water of Bhimkal cures urinary irritation.

Cuisine: Kona Shimlu is a wild vegetable-forest plant that can be used as a vegetable. It can be mixed with 101 vegetables and cooked.