Nalane, lithuto tse ntle tse hlahisitsoeng India li ile tsa romeloa Europe. Ka indasteri, sehlahisoa sa k’homphieutha sa Brithani se ile sa qala ho hola, ‘me ba ipisi ea liipone ba hatelletse mmuso ho kenya likhohola tsa lehae. Litefiso li ile tsa kenngoa ho thepa ea mopalatsi Brithani. Ka lebaka leo, India e Ntle e Sebeleng Genen e ile ea qala ho fokotseha.
Ho tloha lekholong la leshome le metso e robong la lilemo, le tsona tsa bahatini tsa Brithani le tsona li ile tsa qala ho batla lebala la masela bakeng sa lesela la bona. Ha e khetholloe ‘marakeng oa Borithane ke lisele tsa lekhetho, matsalalo a India hona joale a tobana le tlholisano ea matale’ marakeng o mong oa machabeng. Haeba re sheba lipalo tsa thepa e tsoang India, re bona ho fokotseha ha karolo ea masela a k’hothone: ho tloha ka 1870, karolo ena e ne e theohetse ho liperesente tse 3.
Joale, India e ile ea kenya letsoho joang? Lipalo-pele li boetse li bua ka pale e makatsang. Ha re ntse re romella thepa ea tlhahiso e theohile ka potlako, kantle ho thepa e tala e eketsehile ka mokhoa o lekanang. Pakeng tsa 1812 le 1871, kabelo ea karolo ea Teropo e Teleng e tsoang ho 5s ho isa ho liperesente tse 35. Indigo e sebelisetsoang lesela la ho daela e ne e le karolo e ‘ngoe ea bohlokoa ea kantle ho lilemo tse ngata ka mashome a lilemo. Mme, joalo ka ha u ntse u bala selemong se fetileng, ho tsamaisoa ka thepa ho ea ho Chaena ho ile ha fihla ka potlako ho tloha ka 1820 ho ea fetoha bakeng sa nakoana ea naha ea India. Borithane Creatitha o ile a hola a opium ka India ‘me a e kenya e ea Chaena le chelete e fumanoeng ka thekiso ea eona, e tšehetsa tee e tsoang Chaena.
Ho feta lekholo la leshome le metso e robong la lilemo, ho ile ha etsa hore Britane a khohla mabenkele a India. Lijo-thollo tsa lijo le thepa e tala ho tsoa India ho Brithani le lefatše lohle. Empa boleng ba thepa ea Borithane ea Borithane ea Borithane e ne e phahame haholo ho feta boleng ba thepa e tsoang India. Kahoo Borithane ba ne ba e-na le ‘mabenkele a khoebo a mangata le India. Britain used this surplus to balance its trade deficits with other countries – that is, with countries from which Britain was importing more than it was selling to. Ena ke tsela eo thekiso ea thekiso ea ntlafatso e sebetsang – e lumella khaello ea naha e le ‘ngoe le naha e ngoe hore e rarolloe ke naha ea boraro. Ka ho thusa Bochata bo leka-lekanya botsitso ba bona, India e ile ea bapisa karolo ea bohlokoa moruong oa lefatše oa lekholong la leshome le metso e robong.
Lits’ebetso tsa khoebo tsa Borithane naheng ea Borithane li boetse li thusitse ho lefa tefo ea lapeng le liofisiri tsa Borithane, le lipentšeno tsa ba boholong ba Borithane India. Language: Southern Sotho