SEBA Class 9 Computer Science Chapter 3 Office Application । Question Answer

  Chapter 3

Office Application 


1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Alignment buttons are available on the _______ tab.  

2.__________ is the rectangular area of the document window, where user can type his\ her Content. 

3. Portrait format changes the page orientation __________

4.  ____command  is used to move the text to a new page. 

5. Each individual rectangle in a table is called  _______ .

6. __________ option is used to display a document before printing.

 2. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which extension is given to a document by default in MS-Word?

 (a) odt (b).com (c) . docx

2. The status of your document like current page and number of pages are given by _______

(a) Formatting toolbar (b) Status bar (c) Standard toolbar

3. The general arrangement of the text in the document is ________ 

(a) margin (b) text alignment (c) formatting

4. The ________ alignment makes sure that none of the edges of text appear ragged 

 (a) left (b) right t (c) center (d) Justify

5. Line spacing or paragraph spacing is measured in terms of lines or points, which is known

as _________ .

(a) text wrapping (b) PDF (c) leading

6. Header and Footer are inserted at the __________ of a document.

(a) top and bottom (b) Left And right (c) Center 

3. Answer the following:

1. How do you locate MS-Word 2007 on your computer system? 

2. What is formatted text?

3. What is Mail Merge?

4. What is Data Source? 

5. What are Table Styles?

6. Write the name of alignments, which are available in MS-Word 2007.

7. What is the difference between the Save and Save As option?

8. Write the steps to insert WordArt text in a document.

 9. What is the need to modify the spacing of the lines or paragraph of your text?

10. How do you insert a table in your document?


1. Fill in the blanks:

1. Excel is a _________
software package.

2. Address of the cell at 10th column and 30th row is ______ .

3. The cell having bold boundary is the _________ .

4. Any formula in Excel starts with an _______. 

5. In ________  
referencing, the relative address of the cell gets adjust with respect to the current cell. 

6. For absolute referencing________ sign is used before the parts of formula.

7. If you enter 15+ 30 in a cell, Excel will display______ . 

8. _________ are text, number cell references enclosed within parenthesis in a formula.

2.Multiple Choice Questions :

1. A worksheet is a ………..

(a) collection of workbooks 
(b) processing software 

(c) combination of rows and columns (d) None of the above

2. By default, a workbook in Excel contains how many worksheets?
(a) 16 (b) 3 (c) 15 (d) 256

3. The AutoFill can apply from:

(a) left to right (b) right to left. 

(c) up to down (d) All of these

4. The default page orientation in Excel is

(a) Landscape (b) Horizontal

(c) Portrait (d) None of these

5. The default alignment of text in a cell is

(a) Left (b) Right (c) Centered (d) Justified

(b) it is an absolute reference

6. Cell address $BSS in a formula means.

(a) it is a mixed reference (b) It is An Absolute Reference 

(c) it is a relative reference (d) None of the above

7. A cell range starting from first row, first column to fourth row and fifth column can be represented as

(a) [A]: E4] (b) [AO: E3] (c) [E4: Al] (d) [E3: AO]

8. COUNTA (4, 78, False, 18) will return ______

(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

9. Which of the following charts is used for comparing the changes in data over a period of time? 

(a) Bar chart (b) Area chart (c) Scatter chart (d) Line chart

10. For selecting a non-continuous range of cells, you need to do what?

(a) Press Alt key (b) Press Shift key(c) Press Esc key (d) Press Ctrl key

3. Answer the following:

1. Define the term workbook.

2. Rohan is new to Excel. His instructor has asked her to open Excel on her PC and ques tioned about active cell. Help Rohan in identifying the active cell on his screen. 

3. What is the default alignment of number, text and formula in a spreadsheet?

4. Sahil has clicked on the cell residing at the intersection of first row and ninth column. What will be the address of the selected cell?

5. How many cells would be there in the cell range [A1; B2]?

6. If = 6 -5 *2 is entered in a cell, then what will be the cell content? 

7. In a spreadsheet software, the formula A1 +$A$2 was entered in cell A3 and then copied into cell B3. What is the formula copied into B3?

8. Write down the formula for adding values of cells Al to A5.

9. State difference between COUNT() and COUNTA() function.

10. Write down the importance of legend in charts.

11. What is the difference between a workbook and a worksheet?

12. Define the meaning of formula.

13. Suggest the appropriate function for the following situations:

14. Selecting the maximum value out of a range Al to B20.

15. Calculating average of marks entered in cells E5, F5, G5, H5 and 15.

16. Akriti has entered 49+30 in a cell. The worksheet is not displaying 79 in the cell. Instead, 49+30 is getting displayed. Help, Akriti in rectifying the problem.

17. For what purpose pie charts are useful?

18. Explain the concept of cell referencing along with its various types.


1. Fill in the blanks :

1. An electronic page in a presentation is called ________ .

2. New Slide button for inserting a new slide can be found on _______ tab.

3. In ________view, you can see all the slides in a presentation concurrently.

4.  ________is a special effect that allows to specify how to navigate from one slide to other. 

5. The ________ Animation enhance uses the flying effect on the text and character.

2.Multiple Choice Questions :

1. ________ is the default file name for a PowerPoint presentation.

(a) Untitled 1 (b) Book 1 (c) Presentation 1 (d) Document 1

2. File extension for a PowerPoint 2007 presentation is

(a) .ptt (b) .pptx (c) .docx (d) .clsx

3. The custom animation can apply _______ .

(a) Font work gallery (b) Gallery (c) Text (d) All of these

4. The entire presentation can be seen at a time in ________ .

(a) Slide Show view (b) Outline vie (c) Normal view

(d) Slide Sorter view

5. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are

(a) transitions(b) effects (c) custom animations (d) annotations

3. Answer the following:

1. Write down the name of default view in a PowerPoint presentation.

2. Differentiate between a presentation and a slide.

3. Write use of layouts in PowerPoint.

4. In PowerPoint 2007 under the Insert tab, there is a button named Text Box. What is the utility of this button?

5. Animation is a feature, which you can use in your presentation. What is the purpose of this feature?

6. Write three functions that can be performed in Slide Sorter view of a presentation.

7. How are Header and Footer useful? 8. Differentiate between Slide Transition and Custom Animation.

8. Differentiate between Slid Transition And Coustom Animation.

9. Explain the various views of a slide available in PowerPoint 2007.

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