What is meant by evaluation? Describe its need in modern educational process.

See Question Answer No. 19 for Part I.
The need for assessment in the educational process:
Assessment is a special requirement in the formal education process and its scope is very wide in the field of education. The only standard of failure in the formal education process is determined. This means that it is essential to use the evaluation process to determine the quality of various activities in the educational process. Evaluation process is also used to analyze different functions of the educational process. In addition, the evaluation process facilitates systematic analysis of the curriculum and the extent to which the learning objectives have been achieved. The application of the assessment process is also very important to gain appropriate knowledge of what students have learned or in which areas their problems remain related. However, the knowledge or outcomes acquired through assessment are likely to be perfect only if assessment is applied systematically for realistic evaluation of the knowledge acquired by students.
Effective assessment is an assessment that consciously examines how much students have learned or what aspects of their problems will be related to learning activities after they have been systematically carried out in the classroom environment. Effective assessment is an assessment that can actively test students’ acquired knowledge or qualities after systematic teaching with a specific objective in mind. In formal education, the goals of the teaching process and the measurement or evaluation of knowledge taught are closely related. In other words, one of the two functions cannot be separated from the other. Assessment is an essential step or process in formal education for determining the quality of teaching process just as it can measure the effectiveness of students’ learning knowledge as well as the success or failure of teaching process. Language: English