The rise of the modern West

The occupied subjects had to offer his owners (naball) services and loyalty. The very low-level subjects were called Charf (agriculture workers) and they received a small part of the land and cultivated it in that land. His life and property will be safe as long as he can please his owner and continue to serve his personal service. The churches also received land and the owner of it was only a bishop instead of Nobel. One of the most important characteristics in feudalism was the acknowledgment of slavery. The slavery of an institution called ‘Homage) or ‘Bashyat Abemel was launched. The Rayat had to kneel to their master empty and declared himself under the slave or slave. He promised to serve the landlord all his life, to provide a certain number of army forces and to appear in the landlords of the land. He had promised to provide money to rescue the landowners captured by the enemy and had to bear a portion of the wedding expenses of the daughter of the landowner. In return, Bhumi had promised to protect the Rayat and provide justice and provided the privileges and rights of the Paikan land he handed over to him.

The brave warriors were known as Knights. They agreed to serve a strong Nobel and received a small palace from the Nobel. While he was holding a night range, a nobleman kneeled to his master and his master touched his sword on his shoulders and arms. The night swore to the owner of loyalty. The churches had to swear by the king to the king, and they were also committed to protecting the church and protecting women. During this period, the nights played an important role in society and served with faith. They voluntarily came out to fight for religion and formed the army. Nights swords, sticks
