Nature: Coriander is an aromatic vegetable. It is a perennial vegetable cyrilla cyrilli plant. Its leaves and seeds are used as spices. White flowers bloom. It breeds from seeds.
Virtues: Coriander leaves have medicinal properties. It increases the taste of the mouth, keeps the body cool and increases digestion. Adding coriander leaves to a salty item not only satiating but also increases interest and appetite. Sleep is better if you eat coriander leaves. Raw coriander flushes out air in the stomach, increases appetite. There is a lot of relief by drinking the juice of coriander leaves when the blood comes out of the arsh. Chewing raw coriander leaves and brushing your teeth with that leaf eliminates various diseases including bleeding from the gums and strengthens the gums. Dry coriander powder is beneficial in indigestion. It is better to eat coriander if there is a growth of aushee, petsals, constipation, spleen or pilai ( enlarged spleen).
Cuisine: Tinking raw coriander leaves in different curries, lentils, etc., gives both smell and taste, which have no harm. So coriander leaves can be used in place of spices. Raw coriander leaves are good to be eaten together with sour, garlic, etc. and licked together and it is also beneficial for the body.