Chajina/Sajna, English Name: Drumstick, Scientific Name: Moringa oleifera

Nature: A tall tall tree with chirli chirli leaves. Sarenga is found in most parts of Assam. The bark of the sajina tree is very thick. Fruits or seeds have long veins. There are numerous seeds inside the fruit.

Quality: It is used in medicines like leaves, flowers, fruits, skin, roots etc. Sajida is rich in iron, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins Leaf juice cures diabetes. Sajina’s flower worm is beneficial when it comes to worm. In Constipation, Ascites), Spleen or Pimple growth (Enlarged spleen), flatulence Sajida flowers are beneficial. Eating white mustard seeds with a thick anja with soft sajina cures chest phlegm disorders. Eating its flowers, fruits, leaves regularly relieves pain, rheumatism and also acts as beneficial medicines for stone disease, polyuria, neurological weakness, heart disease, half, bile, stomach ulcers, dizziness, tuberculosis, etc. It is beneficial to eat the leaves of sajina or sajina if it is a stone in the purchase. People with arthritis get benefits by eating Sajin flowers. Sajida helps in curing respiratory ailments. Eating sajina leaves regularly reduces high blood pressure and keeps blood circulation right. Sajina is very beneficial for the mother during pregnancy and feeding the baby. If you eat sajina continuously for a few days, people who do not see the eyes in the evening are seen with the eyes. In case of heart disease, it is beneficial to eat sajina leaves or bananas every day. It affects our well-being in many ways such as good skin, eyesight growth, keeping nerves strong, increasing blood cells, preventing heart disease, muscle cramps, removing constipation, strengthening the body, strengthening bones etc.

Cuisine: It is eaten with a paste. Sajina leaves are finely chopped and eaten in a big bowl of dal. Sajina thari peels are peeled off and eaten with white mustard.