A. Very Short Type Questions: Marks:1
1. “I stared for school very last that morning” Who is the ‘I here’? [HS ’12, ’16]
2. What did M.Hamel do when he wanted to go fishing? [HS ’13]
3. What did M Hamel write at the end of the class? [HS ’15]
4. What did Franz think ‘for a moment’? [HS ’16]
5. What was written in the new copies brought by M. Hamel for the students in a beautiful [round hand? [HS ’17]
6. What is the name of the blacksmith in “The Last Lesson”? [HS ’18]
7. What is the ‘great trouble with Alsace’? [HS’18]
B. Short Type Questions: Marks: 2/3
1. Why did little Franz want to spend his day out of doors? [HS ‘12,16,’17]
2. What are M Hamel’s views about the French language? [HS ‘12,16]
3. What was the commotion that Franz anticipated in the classroom? [HS ’13]
4. What did M. Hamel say about the French language? [HS ’13, ’15]
5. Why was the lesson called the last lesson? [HS ’14]
6. What had been put up in the bulletin board? [HS ’14]
7. What was Franz expected to be prepared with for school that day?
[HS ’15]
8. Why did M. Hamel not blame Franz alone for his inability to learn? [HS ’17]
9. ‘Will they make them sing in German, even the pigeons?’ What does this sentence suggest? [HS ’18]
C. Essay Type Questions Marks: 5
1. What was the order from Berlin? How did that order affect the people of Alsace, particularly M. Hamel and his students? [HS ’12]
2 Describe the unusal things that Franz noticed on the day of the day of the last lesson. [HS ’13,’17]
3. Give a detailed account of the scene in the classroom on the day of the last lesson. [HS ’15]
4 Draw a character sketch of M. Hamel as it is shown in ‘The Last Lesson’. [HS ’16]
Type: Himashree Bora.