অমাধ্যম অনুমানঃ সমবৰ্তন, প্ৰতিবৰ্তন আৰু সমবিবৰ্তন(Immediate Inference: Conversion, Obversion & Contraposition) | Chapter 5 | Gauhati University 1st Sem Philosophy Question Answer Assamese Medium | TDC 1st Semester B.A Philosophy Solutions Assamese Medium | B.A 1st Sem philosophy Notes And Suggestion Assamese Medium |

 Chapter: 5  অমাধ্যম অনুমানঃসমবৰ্তন, প্ৰতিবৰ্তন আৰু সমবিবতন Immediate Inference: Conversion, Obversion  Contraposition প্ৰশ্নাৱলীঃ Short Questions: চমু প্ৰশ্নঃ 1) How many kinds of infereance are there? অনুমান কেই  প্ৰকাৰৰ? উত্তৰঃ 2। Give an example of induction? আগমন অনুমানৰ এটা উদাহৰণ দিয়া? Read More …

বচনৰ বিৰোধিতা (Opposition of Proposition | Chapter 4 | TDC 1st Sem Philosophy Question Answer Assamese Medium | Gauhati University B.A 1st Sem Philosophy Solutions Assamese Medium | TDC Honors B.A 1st Sem Philosophy Notes And Suggestion Assamese Medium |

 Chapter 4  বচনৰ বিৰোধিতা Opposition of Proposition প্ৰশ্নাৱলীঃ Short Questions: চমু প্ৰশ্নঃ 1.Who at first introduce notion of ;opposition  of proposition? বচনৰ  বিৰোধিতাৰ ধাৰণাটো সৰ্বপ্ৰথম কোনে উল্লেখ কৰে? উত্তৰঃ 2. How many types of opposition of proposition are there? বচনৰ  Read More …

নিৰপেক্ষ বচন (Caategorical Propositiom) | Chapter 3| TDC 1st Semester Philosophy Question Answer Assamese Medium | Gauhati University B.A 1st Sem Philosophy Solutions Assamese Medium | TDC Honorees B.A 1st Sem Philosophy Notes And Suggestion Assamese Medium |

Chapter: 3 (নিৰপেক্ষ বচন (Categorical Preposition)  প্ৰশ্নাৱলীঃ Short Questions: চমু প্ৰশ্নঃ 1. How many terms are there in a logical proposition? এটা তৰ্কবিজ্ঞানসন্মত বচনত কেইটা পদ থাকে? উত্তৰঃ 2. How many parts are there in a logical proposition? এটা তৰ্কবিজ্ঞানসন্মত Read More …

তৰ্কবিদ্যাৰ মৌলিক প্ৰত্যয় (Basic Logical Concept) | Chapter 2 | GU TDC 1st Semester Philosophy Question Answer Assamese Medium | B.A 1st Sem Philosophy Solutions Assamese Medium | Gauhati University B.A 1st Sem Philosophy Notes And Suggestion Assamese Medium |

Chapter: 2  তৰ্কবিদ্যাৰ মৌলিক প্ৰত্যয় (Basic Logical Concept) প্ৰশ্নাৱলী Short Questions: চমু প্ৰশ্ন: 1. Is truth is the property of an argument? (সত্যতা যুক্তিৰ বিষয়বস্তু হয়নে?) Answer: 2. What is the property of an argument? (যুক্তিৰ গুণ কি?) Answer: 3. Is Read More …